11 January 2025

Kyalami Estates September round-up

30 September 2024 - Kyalami Estates

I recorded 60 species for the first month of Spring, same as I did in 2023, so I guess there is consistency in that.

I did have a Grey Hornbill in the garden

African Grey Hornbill (Lophoceros nasutus)

But, just like last month, most of my photo opportunities were at St Ledger Dam. In amongst the big Willow away from the Dam, a Black-collared Barbet gave me the once over

Black-collared Barbet (Lybius torquatus)

There were a pair of Lesser Honeyguide's in the same Willow grove which I didnt expect

Lesser Honeyguide (Indicator minor)

In the gardens around the Dam, Fiscal Flycatcher's were present

Fiscal Flycatcher (Sigelus silens)

The Common Moorhens produced some offspring

Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

The male Cape Weaver was on full display with some quite funky poses

Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis)

and a female showed some interest, well vaguely

Female Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis)

The male is extremely territorial and was not happy when a gaggle of Green Wood-hoopoe's landed in 'his' tree

Green Wood-hoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus)

I had a Grey Heron fly by

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)

Red Bishops are transitioning to breeding plumage

Southern Red Bishop (Euplectes orix)

And the Reed Cormorants seem to be here permanently

Reed Cormorant (Microcarbo africanus)

An exciting record, was this immature or sub-adult Black Sparrowhawk that caused a bit of mayhem as it circled the Dam

Black Sparrowhawk (Accipiter melanoleucus)

There was also a hectic fight in the 'schoolyard' between two Egyptian Geese that was wild and seemingly refereed by one that kept others out of the fight, unless it was a female egging on her favourite?

Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca)

Yet another setting full moon between the Palms from my balcony

Full moon

Quick trip to my local patch

24 September 2024 - Glen Austin Pan

A quick visit to the Pan to check on the Flamingos - yip, they were still present

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)

Maccoa Ducks were also still here, but way out in the middle of the Pan

Male Maccoa Duck (Oxyura maccoa)

Pied Avocet's are uncommon visitors, so I was pleased to see a few foraging together with a couple of Black-winged Stilts

Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) and Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus)

The Pan is still full which is good news for this time of the year when rains are still coming towards the end of the year

Kyalami Estates August Round-up

31 August 2024 - Kyalami Estates

This August I recorded 53 species was not far behind last years count of 55 species, although I didnt seem to take too many images.

Most of the action was down at St Ledger Dam where I had Blacksmith Lapwing

Blacksmith Lapwing (Vanellus armatus)

The male Cape Weaver was in production mode and had already made a few nests

Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis)

Egyptian Geese numbers seem to be on the increase, which is really not great news - but I got a few pleasing images of this pair

Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca)

I found a pair of Malachite Kingfishers which could be promising

Malachite Kingfisher (Corythornis cristata)

I also had an unexpected visit from a single Grey-headed Gull

Grey-headed Gull (Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus)

The Reed Cormorants posed nicely

Reed Cormorant (Microcarbo africanus)

in between bouts of successful fishing excursions

Reed Cormorant (Microcarbo africanus)

And we enjoyed another full moon

Rondebosch Common - Hit and miss

14 October 2024 - Rondebosch Common My Hotel was close to work, so I had an early breakfast and headed to the nearby Rondebosch Common for a...