23 August 2024

Kyalami Estates April Round-up

30 April 2024 - Kyalami Estates

Not a particular productive birding month as I recorded only 7 species, down 8 species from the same month last year. The only highlight was a Cardinal Woodpecker in the garden, whilst the regular intra-African Hirundines were still present.

In the main park, Blacksmith Lapwing's were still present, together with the African Wattled Lapwings

African Wattled Lapwing (Vanellus senegallus)

The Prinia family were busy in the hedges on the park boundary and 'posed' for some nice photo opportunities

Tawny-flanked Prinia (Prinia subflava)

Cape Robin-Chat in the Wild Pear

Cape Robin-Chat (Dessonornis caffra)

And Bronze Mannikin's were still enjoying the seeds on the grass heads

Bronze Mannikin (Spermestes cucullata)

Hadeda's are numerous and irritating at the same time, especially those who have decided to roost in the trees in your garden

Hadeda Ibis (Bostrychia hagedash)

At St Ledger, the resident Malachite Kingfishers were seen a few times

Malachite Kingfisher (Corythornis cristata)

I found this unidentified Skink in our garden

Skink sp.

Along with Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa caffra)

this unidentified Bee

Bee sp.

And what I assume to be a Hover Fly - I was pretty impressed to catch it in flight

Hover Fly?

I did encounter a few Butterfly species - African Plain Tiger

African Plain Tiger (Danaus c. orientis)

Common Leopard

Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha)

Painted Lady

Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)

A Skipper species which are tough to pin down

Skipper sp.

and one of the Blues - probably African Grass

Blue sp.

This diminutive Moth sp. was around in numbers, but tough to get in the open as they landed and then crept under leaves to remain hidden

Moth sp.

A couple of interesting flowers

And backlit Bullrush releasing seeds for a more creative take

Backlit Bullrush

I had some fun and quite like these backlit Damselflies in the early morning light

Backlit Damselfly sp.

I need to make a concerted effort to get up to speed with Damselfly ID's - but here are a selection from this month - they really do make great photographic subjects, which requires a degree of patience too

Damselfly sp.

April was however a good month from a biodiversity perspective

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