23 May 2024

The smell of the bush in the rain

08 January 2024 - Mabula; Day 2

We woke to an overcast morning with light drizzle, so no game drive. After breakfast, the drizzle abated, so Richard and I had a walk around the Mabula Reception Area and gardens. A young Bushbuck with wet fur checked us out

Cape Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus)

We managed to connect with a Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird

Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (Pogoniulus chrysoconus)

And then a pair of Meyer's Parrots that played hiding-go-seek with us in a massive Bluegum Tree

Mayer's Parrot (Poicephalus meyeri)

Back at the Lodge, the sun was slowly making an appearance, so we relaxed on the patio watching birds come to the bird bath. First up a White-browed Scrub Robin

White-browed Scrub Robin (Cercotrichas leucophrys)

Followed by a noisy flock of Arrow-marked Babbler's - A bath of Babblers!

Arrow-marked Babbler (Turdoides jardineii)

A Tree Squirrel quietly appeared on the scene

Tree Squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi)

Whilst this Skink warmed up in the sun

Skink sp.

Late afternoon the weather had cleared, so we headed out on a drive with the pre-requisite packed cooler boxes. A much quieter drive than yesterday, with a brief view of a family of Coqui Francolin's that disappeared into the grass at speed

Coqui Francolin (Campocolinus coqui)

A Grey Heron fishing in the dam in dramatic light

Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea)

We enjoyed sundowners with another spectacular African sunset

Mabula Sunset

Before returning to the Lodge with no nocturnal mammals seen this time

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