27 April 2024

Karoo to Highveld

06 January 2024 - Colesberg to Midrand; Day 16

Not a breathe of air when I woke at sunrise, so a quick dash out on the sand road to the farm gate with camera and bins before breakfast. 

This Ant-eating Chat was an obliging subject in the early morning light with a nice Karoo backdrop

Ant-eating Chat (Myrmecocichla formicivora)

I was hoping for a Blue Korhaan flyby like last year, but instead got a single Blue Crane

Blue Crane (Grus paradiseus)

This was followed by a Black-chested Snake Eagle being mobbed by some irritating Pied Crow

Black-chested Snake Eagle (Circaetus pectoralis)

The Eastern Clapper Larks were already out and displaying, it is a song and display synonymous with the Karoo

Eastern Clapper Lark (Mirafra fasciolata)

I had a little better luck with the Black-headed Canary's, but could never get quite close enough

Black-headed Canary (Serinus alario)

Zitting Cisticola was also more vocal this morning

Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis)

Driving back for breakfast, I explored a smaller dam and had a good number of Shelduck with their distinctive honking call amongst some of the other ducks - always a good bird to see

South African Shelduck (Tadorna cana)

We then all met for a hearty breakfast, before heading back to Jozi and the highveld for the last stretch of the journey in much heavier traffic.

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