13 April 2024

Blitz birding in the Karoo

23 December 2023 - Karoo National Park to Hermanus; Day 2

I was up at sunrise for a 2-hour birding blitz before meeting the family for breakfast and to continue on our journey. The camp is in a valley, so was still in shadow when I left. I decided to head out on the road back to the main gate, as that part of the reserve would have some early morning sun.

First up was a family of Grey Rhebuck grazing next to the road

Grey Rhebuck (Pelea capreolus)

I heard Karoo Long-billed Lark, but couldn't get onto them, but I did find a young Karoo Chat

Karoo Chat (Emarginata schlegelii)

I stopped at the bird hide, but the reeds were quite overgrown, so not much to be seen, other than a Karoo Prinia at the entrance to the hide

Karoo Prinia (Prinia maculosa)

By now the sun was high enough to bathe the valley in sunshine, so I drove down to the camping area and made my way to the parking area for the boardwalk walk. I was the only person here, so had it to myself. The birding was pretty decent and amongst those birds I managed to photograph included this eclipse male Southern Double-collared Sunbird

Male Southern Double-collared Sunbird (Cinnyris chalybeus)

I missed the fly-by of a pair of Pale-winged Starling, but this White-backed Mousebird was a little more obliging

White-backed Mousebird (Colius colius)

I walked from the car park down to the small causeway on the river and then walked down the dry riverbed where I found a small bird party that really kept me busy - but I didnt get the bird I was really after, the Namaqua Warbler! Nevertheless it was a really productive hour. I had more Karoo Prinia

Karoo Prinia (Prinia maculosa)

Dusky Sunbird

Female Dusky Sunbird (Cinnyris fuscus)

Male Dusky Sunbird (Cinnyris fuscus)

Fairy Flycatcher

Fairy Flycatcher (Stenostira scita)

Familiar Chat

Familiar Chat (Oenanthe familiaris)

Layard's Warbler

Layard's Warbler (Curruca layardi)

Lark-like Bunting

Lark-like Bunting (Emberiza impetuani)

Red-eyed Bulbul

African Red-eyed Bulbul (Pycnonotus nigricans)

the awesome Rufous-eared Warbler

Rufous-eared Warbler (Malcorus pectoralis)

and Red-headed Quelea - two variations of the same image

Red-billed Quelea (Quelea quelea)

Walking back to the car, a Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark dropped in for a drink on the causeway, as it was already starting to warm-up

Female Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark (Eremopterix leucotis)

I was quite happy with the 2-hour tally and was still in time to meet the family for breakfast. Next time, I will certainly plan to spend a night in the Park, as there is so much more to explore and enjoy.

We then packed the car and continued on our journey. We had decided to go via the Swartberg Pass, but I made a short detour in Prince Albert where I picked up Karoo Eremomela in the harsh mid-day sun and my last lifer for this year

Karoo Eremomela (Eremomela gregalis)

It was then a long drive on quieter roads to Hermanus, which took us a lot longer than we had originally envisaged - but the main thing is that we arrived safely to our accommodation adjacent to Hermanus Golf Club where we would spend the rest of the holiday

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