20 December 2022

Kyalami Estates - November Round-up

30 November 2022 - Kyalami Estates

The end of the year is in sight, already and summer has truly arrived. I had a pretty good penultimate month of the year in the Estate, recording 57 species with both intra-African (Cuckoo's and Swallows) and Palearctic (Willow Warbler and European Bee-eater) migrants recorded.

As before, I managed to record some of the species seen with my camera on a few morning walks. I had one visit to St Ledger Dam where Cape Weavers are active in the Willow Trees which overhang onto the dam

Female Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis) adding material to the nest

Male Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis)

Of course the Red Bishops are abundant in and around this and the main park dam

Southern Red Bishop (Euplectes orix)

I did surprise a pair of Black Duck on the small stream flowing into the dam

African Black Duck (Anas sparsa)

A Southern Fiscal was also present on the fringes on the dam

Southern Fiscal (Lanius collaris)

I was pleased to get an image of the palearctic Willow Warbler as it popped out onto an open space, as they generally remain hidden whilst foraging in the dense trees

Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

A Black Sparrowhawk caught me by surprise as it flew by quickly overhead and I got the classic flying away image - not flattering at all, but always good to see in the Estate

Black Sparrowhawk (Accipiter melanoleucus)

Up in the main park the White-throated Swallow offspring were now free flying and being fed by the parents on the wing. No luck in getting one of those images, but they did pose for awhile on a tree above the water and their nest

Juvenile White-throated Swallow (Hirundo albigularis)

Karoo Thrush are common all around the Estate

Karoo Thrush (Turdus smithii)

The grass has finally come into seed along the stream between the two dams and is a magnet for the infrequently seen Common Waxbill

Common Waxbill (Estrilda astrild)

But not so for the small flock of Bronze Mannikin - they gave many photo opportunities and it was too hard to choose a favourite

Bronze Mannikin (Spermestes cucullata)

I also took my macro lens on one late afternoon walk and managed to photograph this Slate Sprite

Slate Sprite (Pseudagrion salisburyense)

These were my favourite and an image I have longed strive to achieve

Slate Sprite (Pseudagrion salisburyense)

Carpenter Bees are enjoying the flowering plants

Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa caffra)

I quite like the colour on this unidentified Fly

Fly sp.

We will now slowly wind down for the December holidays, which we are all looking forward to, after a quite hectic year

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