17 October 2022

Round trip to Tshokwane

31 August 2022 - Ngwenya to Tshokwane; Day 6

We planned for a long day in the Park and were at the gate early - it was still chilly, but overhead was clearer than yesterday. We headed up the main road to Lower Sabi and stopped for a family of Southern Ground Hornbill in an area that had undergone a controlled burn

Southern Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri)

In the same area, there was an obliging pair of Senegal Lapwing. Perhaps the same birds as those I saw in the sugar cane field next to Ngwenya?

Senegal Lapwing (Vanellus lugubris)

Just before Lower Sabi, we had a coalition of three male Cheetah cross the road and walk up a restricted road - we were just a little too late for the perfect sighting..With the female and cub yesterday, this is the most Cheetah we have ever seen in the south

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)

A little further on, a magnificent Martial Eagle in a dead tree - light wasn't great, but the sighting was. It is considered one of the Big 5 birds of KNP

Martial Eagle (Polemaetus bellicosus)

We stopped briefly at Lower Sabi where I got this Green-winged Pytilia, previously known as the Melba Finch

Green-winged Pytilia (Pytilia melba)

We then headed north up the famed S128 toTshokwane, but we were still too early in the year for the usual migratory Harriers that frequent this section of the Park. We did have another calling Red-crested Korhaan, although he didnt show his red crest

Male Red-crested Korhaan (Lophotis ruficrista)

We stopped at Leeupan, no birds on the pan, but two Ele's quenching their thirst

African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)

We enjoyed a picnic stop at Tshokwane and then headed south to Skukuza finding Klipspringer pair lounging on the rocks

Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragu)

We stopped at and enjoyed a Cattle Baron lunch next to the river at Skukuza Camp. It was then a slow drive to Lower Sabi on another legendary road and we weren't disappointed after having a Leopard walk across the road if front of us and nonchalantly disappear into the bush on the other side. Blink or 1-minute to late and you could miss a sighting

Leopard (Panthera pardus)

After that memorable sighting we continued to Croc Bridge and Ngwenya quite pleased with the encounters of the day. As the sun set, I got the fire going

Another unforgettable African sunset

After the sun had set, a female African Goshawk flew into the Fever Tree next to our chalet. Luckily my camera wasn't far away, but I had to really crank up the ISO to get a few slow shutter images, before she flew off. An unexpected, but welcome sighting

African Goshawk (Accipiter tachiro)

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