06 September 2022

Back to KNP

23 July 2022 - Letaba Camp, KNP; Day 1

A week had passed and we were headed back to Kruger to pick up my son from Letaba Camp. We left Jozi at 4am and this time headed back to Phalaborwa Gate arriving at 9:30am (same time as we arrived at Phabeni Gate a week ago). Whilst waiting to go through the gate, I papped this Glossy Starling perched on an Impala Lilly - classic Kruger

Cape Glossy Starling (Lamprotornis nitens)

We detoured on a few of the sand roads on route to Letaba picking up a Pearl-spotted Owlet

Pearl-spotted Owlet (Glaucidium perlatum)

Once at Letaba we checked in and caught up with Eric, Kari, Brian, Cynthia and the kids who had a great week at both Orpen and Letaba Camps. We chilled and caught up and a little later I had a walk around the campsite. Mourning Doves are common at Letaba

African Mourning Dove (Streptopelia decipiens)

As were Black-backed Puffback's

Black-backed Puffback (Dryoscopus cubla)

On the lawns, Natal Spurfowl were seen scratching around

Natal Spurfowl (Pternistis natalensis)

while both Red-billed 

Southern Red-billed Hornbill (Tockus rufirostris)

and Yellow-billed Hornbill's looked for scraps around the braai areas

Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill (Tockus leucomelas)

A pair of Tree Squirrels enjoyed some mutual grooming

Tree Squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi)

and in the leaf litter I found a Squinting Bush Brown

Squinting Bush Brown (Bicyclus a. anynana)

We all met for a casual lunch and later departed for our afternoon game drives, each picking different routes. We chose to follow the river road and on exiting the gate bumped into a family of Ground Hornbill

Southern Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri)

My wife's sharp eyes picked up a raptor perched in the shade of a large Fig Tree - it took some time to identify it as a Juv/Imm African Hawk-Eagle

African Hawk-Eagle (Aquila spilogaster)

A little further along a Common Scimitarbill provided some distraction

Common Scimitarbill (Rhinopomastus cyanomelas)

As we rounded a bend near the river, there was one car stopped. We pulled up next to it and had a pride of 6 Lion walking through the grass along the river and eventually walking past the front of our car - what an awesome sighting. It appeared to be a Lioness with sub-adult cubs. Fortunately  Eric and Kari weren't far behind us and also managed to get great views

African Lion (Panthera leo)

We then stopped on the bridge over the Letaba River, as you are allowed to get out of your car to enjoy the view. Driving back to camp, a lone Hyena purposefully walked up the road passed us

Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

Once back at camp, it was the customary sundowners whilst the fire was lit, dinner was prepared and stories shared - what more is needed?

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