21 June 2022 - Northern Farm
I thought it would be interesting to have a mornings birding on the shortest day of the year in the southern hemisphere. Northern Farm has a decent habitat diversity, so that was the choice. Unfortunately, Andre couldn't join, so it was to be a solo effort.
I arrived at 7am, just as the sun was rising and headed to the quarry where there is a large stand of Wild Dagga, although the peak flowering has since passed. I was keen to see if the Yellow Warblers were still around, but whilst waiting I did find White-bellied
Female White-bellied Sunbird (Cinnyris talatala) |
and Amethyst Sunbird
Male Amethyst Sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina) |
I then heard the distinctive call of the Warbler and managed to track down two birds, which were a little more elusive than on our last visit. It is a great bird for this site and Gauteng
African Yellow Warbler (Iduna natalensis) |
A couple of Sacred Ibis passed by overhead - these are common at this farm
African Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) |
A trio of Blacksmith Lapwing were vocal on the top of sand bank
Blacksmith Lapwing (Vanellus armatus) |
A little further down the road, a female African Stonechat was soaking up the early morning sun
Female African Stonechat (Saxicola torquatus) |
I then drove to the cow pens and added African Pipit
African Pipit (Anthus cinnamomeus) |
along with Common Starling, also a difficult species in Gauteng
Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) |
A Cape Turtle Dove was seen perched on the fence
Cape Turtle Dove (Streptopelia capicola) |
Down near the Jukskei River, a Long-crested Eagle was perched out in the open, but then departed
Long-crested Eagle (Lophaetus occipitalis) |
A couple of Egyptian Geese flew by to head to one of the ploughed fields where many were seen later on my drive
Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) |
There were many Black-winged Kites about - a mix of both adult and younger birds
Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus) |
During the morning I explored most of the farm adding species as I went along. A pair of Hamerkop were busy adding to their massive nest near one of the smaller dams
Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta) |
Overhead I picked up a distant Black-chested Snake Eagle
Black-chested Snake Eagle (Circaetus pectoralis) |
And later an even more distant African Fish Eagle
Immature African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) |
In the grasslands, more African Stonechat
Male African Stonechat (Saxicola torquatus) |
And Black-throated Canaries
Black-throated Canary (Crithagra atrogularis) |
I headed back to the quarry to check on the small dam and this time was rewarded with Goliath Heron
Goliath Heron (Ardea goliath) |
And the Blue-billed Teal that I had seen previously in the same location, along with White-faced Whistling Ducks
Blue-billed Teal (Spatula hottentota) |
White-faced Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna viduata) and Blue-billed Teal |
My last stop was at the main dam and found a single Cape Teal which is an excellent species for Gauteng
Cape Teal (Anas capensis) |
Along with a number of Southern Pochard
Male Southern Pochard (Netta erythrophthalma) |
The Pied Crows were harassing the Heron colony, possibly trying to get to young chicks and this kept putting all the Herons up in the air
Pied Crow (Corvus albus) |
Here, one of the Black-headed Heron's before heading back to the heronry.
Black-headed Heron (Ardea melanocephala) |
I had a quick stop in the parking area before heading home and ticked Green Wood-hoopoe that appeared to be feeding young
Green Wood-hoopoe (Phoeniculus purpureus) |
and then checked on the White-browed Sparrow-Weaver colony in one of the Acacia Trees
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver (Plocepasser mahali) |
Despite the clear but blustery conditions, it was a successful morning and I recorded 78 species, with some good birds for the Pentad.