06 February 2022

Bitou River

30 December 2021 - Plettenberg Bay; Day 8

I decided on an early morning drive along Bietou River and toward Wittedrift in the hope of finding Forest Buzzard, although habitat was not ideal.

Just after turning off the N2 I found a soaring raptor that took some time to pin down as a pale phase Booted Eagle

Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus)

I drove up a winding sand road, that had not many birds, but I did find a few butterflies; an unidentified Skipper

Skipper sp.

A good number of Southern Red Tip's

Southern Red Tip (Colotis a. gavisa)

and some Rainforest Dull Brown's

Rainforest Dull Brown (Cassionympha cassius)

and an African Ant-heap White

African Ant-heap White (Dixeia c. charina)

I then headed back on the road to Wittedrift, finding Jackal Buzzard before stopping at the gate for the Bitou Nature Reserve where I saw a female Blue Crane sitting on eggs

Female Blue Crane (Grus paradiseus)

I saw the male some distance off and even though I was on the road and far from the female, he came over at speed, scattering some Cattle Egret's, stopping to display and then running closer and displaying again

Male Blue Crane (Grus paradiseus)

Eventually he flew, so he could get closer to the female quicker

The female then decided to stand and check her eggs before settling back on them

While he kept himself busy in the water nearby - a really great interaction

Later in the afternoon, I had a short walk from the apartment finding a calling Sombre Greenbul

Sombre Greenbul (Andropadus importunus)

Many Amethyst Sunbird's

Amethyst Sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina)

and a few Southern Double-collared Sunbirds

Southern Double-collared Sunbird (Cinnyris chalybeus)

Down at the viewpoint, Western Cattle Egrets flew by

Western Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)

Whilst Oystercatcher's  flew across the Bay to forage for food for their young in the dunes

African Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus moquini)

An enjoyable day, despite feeling under the weather, along with the rest of the family.

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