21 December 2021

BIF Test

12 December 2021 - Glen Austin Pan

I had my 1.4 Extender repaired, after it was damaged at Ruaha and my lens serviced at CameraTek - so I needed to take them for a test. I popped over to Glen Austin Pan in the afternoon in less than ideal weather - overcast and drizzle.

There were two Whiskered Tern's foraging over the pan. Against a busy background, focus tracking is a challenge for DSLR's which is one of the pro's that the new mirrorless camera's don't struggle with.

Whiskered Tern (Chlidonias hybrida)

I then walked the surrounding grasslands, finding Crowned Lapwing

Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus)

Spotted Thick knee on the wing - no issue tracking this one in flight

Spotted Thick-knee (Burhinus capensis)

and a Northern Black Korhaan

Northern Black Korhaan (Afrotis afraoides)

I was happy with the tests and the fact that my big glass was now as good as new and all the residue dust from the desert of Kuwait was now cleaned out.

Finally, I have also cleared my backlog of processing and posts and can start the New Year staying current and with a post from our Christmas holiday in Plettenberg Bay.

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