21 October 2021

Kyalami Estates - August Round-up

31 August 2021 - Kyalami Estates

We are heading toward the end of winter and looking forward to the arrival of spring. August wasnt too bad a month and I recorded 63 species for the Estate. Highlights were Grey-headed Bushshrike, Cardinal Woodpecker, Grey-headed Gull, Yellow-billed Duck and a Black Sparrowhawk.

In this month, the first intra-African migrants also arrived in the form of Red-chested Cuckoo and Greater-striped Swallow - so spring is almost in the air.

Around my house and the feeders the usual residents like Cape Sparrow

Female Cape Sparrow (Passer melanurus)

Male Cape Sparrow (Passer melanurus)

And both Sunbird species

Male White-bellied (Cinnyris talatala) and Amethyst Sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina)

In the park, a pair of Yellow-billed Duck were a surprise

Yellow-billed Duck (Anas undulata)

In the same park, a pair of Spotted Thick-knee's were seen in one of the gardens

Spotted Thick-knee (Burhinus capensis)

Whilst at the St Ledger Dam, the near endemic Cape Weavers were frantically building nests and already in breeding plumage

Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis)

This is where I had the brief sighting of the Black Spa dashing by overhead

Black Sparrowhawk (Accipiter melanoleucus)

Just outside the Estate, I also had a dark morph Mountain Wheatear in an urban setting. They were found inside the Estate a few years back

Mountain Wheatear (Myrmecocichla monticola)

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