08 April 2021

Kyalami Estates - January Round-up

31 January 2021 - Kyalami Estates, Midrand

I recorded 61 species in January and this included a couple of expected migrants.

I saw and photographed a number of birds from my balcony in early morning or late afternoons. Greater Striped Swallow appear to have a nest in my neighbour's house.

Greater Striped Swallow (Cecropis cucullata)

African Palm Swift are seen almost every day

African Palm Swift (Cypsiurus parvus)

as are White-rumped Swift

White-rumped Swift (Apus caffer)

One morning, the Cape Sparrow's were really agitated and as I came out on the balcony to check, I saw them in hot pursuit of an African Grey Hornbill which had raided their nest and taken one of the chicks. The Hornbill was oblivious to the protesting parents as it sat in a tree in my garden and eventually swallowed the chick whole.

African Grey Hornbill (Lophoceros nasutus)

Reed Cormorant's are occasionally seen passing by, but seem to have little interest in the dams in our park

Reed Cormorant (Microcarbo africanus)

In my garden, I have Dark-capped Bulbul's that have nested this summer

Dark-capped Bulbul (Pycnonotus tricolor)

and African Hoopoe's that forage on the lawn, when the dogs arent about

African Hoopoe (Upupa africana)

I often take a walk around the two parks in our estate, where the Southern Red Bishops

Southern Red Bishop (Euplectes orix)

and Thick-billed Weavers are still building nests in resplendent in breeding plumage

Thick-billed Weaver (Amblyospiza albifrons)

African Wattled Lapwings are seen occasionally

African Wattled Lapwing (Vanellus senegallus)

This month, there were juvenile Bronze Mannikin's with the adult birds, so successful breeding somewhere in the Estate

Bronze Mannikin (Lonchura cucullata)

I often hear Willow Warbler, but in January managed to finally see one. They are tough in SA compared to Kuwait.

Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

Cape Wagtails favour the open lawn in the parks

Cape Wagtail (Motacilla capensis)

I have only recorded Cape Weaver in the Park that has Willow Trees. It seems to favour these trees for its nest

Cape Weaver (Ploceus capensis)

In the same park, I had African Reed Warbler calling from the reed's and with patience I was able to see the two birds.

African Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus baeticatus)

From an invertebrate perspective, I photographed Clover Blue

Clover Blue (Zizina o. antanossa)

Common Zebra Blue

Common Zebra Blue (Leptotes p. pirithous)

and Marsh Acraea which I hadn't seen in the Estate before

Marsh Acraea (Telchinia r. rahira)

Also Epaulet Skimmer

Epaulet Skimmer (Orthetrum chrysostigma)

and this impressive Barbet Percher

Barbet Percher (Diplacodes luminans)

along with an unidentified Moth found in my house

Moth sp.

Other birds not seen often in January included; African Green Pigeon, Pied Crow, Black-headed Heron, Barn Owl, Southern Grey-headed Sparrow and an African Harrier Hawk

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